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Sanatan Dharma Great Author

Top 100 name of Sanatan Dharma Great Author

Here is a list of 100 great authors and sages from Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism) who have contributed immensely to its philosophy, scriptures, literature, and spiritual wisdom:

Courtesy: TheSpiritualExplorer

Ancient Rishis & Vedic Seers (Vedic & Upanishadic Period)

  1. Vyasa (Veda Vyasa) – Compiler of the Vedas, author of the Mahabharata & Puranas
  2. Valmiki – Author of the Ramayana
  3. Vashistha – One of the Saptarishis, Guru of Lord Rama
  4. Vishwamitra – Sage who composed the Gayatri Mantra
  5. Atri – One of the Saptarishis, author of parts of the Rigveda
  6. Bhrigu – Author of the Bhrigu Samhita, an ancient astrological text
  7. Angiras – Contributor to the Rigveda
  8. Agastya – Composer of Rigvedic hymns, father of Tamil literature
  9. Bharadwaja – Great scholar of Ayurveda and Dhanurveda
  10. Kanva – Rishi mentioned in the Rigveda
  11. Kashyapa – A great sage and progenitor of many divine beings
  12. Jamadagni – Father of Parashurama, a Rigvedic sage
  13. Shukracharya – Guru of the Asuras, expert in Shastra and Jyotish
  14. Gautama – Author of Nyaya Sutras and Rishi of Rigveda
  15. Yajnavalkya – Philosopher of Advaita Vedanta, author of Shatapatha Brahmana
  16. Patanjali – Compiler of Yoga Sutras, great grammarian
  17. Panini – Author of Ashtadhyayi, father of Sanskrit grammar
  18. Jaimini – Author of Mimamsa Sutras
  19. Kapila – Founder of Samkhya philosophy
  20. Kanada – Founder of Vaisheshika school of philosophy

Itihasa & Puranic Authors

  1. Narada Muni – Composer of Narada Bhakti Sutra
  2. Markandeya – Sage known for Markandeya Purana
  3. Parashara – Father of Vyasa, author of Vishnu Purana
  4. Lomaharshana – Disciple of Vyasa, compiler of many Puranas
  5. Garga Muni – Expert in astrology, wrote Garga Samhita
  6. Suta Goswami – Narrator of the Bhagavata Purana
  7. Vallabhacharya – Founder of Pushtimarg, author of Shodash Granth
  8. Nimbarka – Founder of the Nimbarka Sampradaya
  9. Bhaskara – Philosopher who commented on Vedanta
  10. Tulsidas – Author of Ramcharitmanas
  11. Kamban – Tamil poet, author of Kamba Ramayanam
  12. Kumarila Bhatta – Proponent of Purva Mimamsa
  13. Madhvacharya – Founder of Dvaita Vedanta
  14. Ramanujacharya – Founder of Vishishtadvaita Vedanta
  15. Basava – Founder of Lingayat sect
  16. Gorakhnath – Major saint in Nath tradition
  17. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu – Founder of Gaudiya Vaishnavism
  18. Mirabai – Poetess and devotee of Krishna
  19. Surdas – Poet-saint known for Sur Sagar
  20. Kabir Das – Mystic poet who criticized social evils

Courtesy: Dipen Singh

Modern Saints & Scholars (18th – 21st Century)

  1. Swami Vivekananda – Disciple of Ramakrishna, author of Raja Yoga
  2. Sri Aurobindo – Philosopher, author of The Life Divine
  3. Ramakrishna Paramhansa – Mystic and spiritual leader
  4. Swami Sivananda – Founder of Divine Life Society
  5. Ravindra Nath Tagore – Nobel laureate, spiritual poet
  6. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada – Founder of ISKCON, translator of Bhagavad Gita
  7. Swami Dayananda Saraswati – Founder of Arya Samaj
  8. Ramakrishna Paramahamsa – Spiritual saint of 19th-century India
  9. Sri Ramana Maharshi – Proponent of Advaita Vedanta
  10. Swami Chinmayananda – Founder of Chinmaya Mission

Mathematical & Scientific Authors

  1. Aryabhata – Ancient Indian mathematician and astronomer
  2. Brahmagupta – Mathematician and author of Brahmasphutasiddhanta
  3. Varahamihira – Astronomer and author of Brihat Samhita
  4. Bhaskara I – Mathematician known for calculus contributions
  5. Bhaskara II – Wrote Lilavati, Siddhanta Shiromani
  6. Sushruta – Father of Indian medicine, author of Sushruta Samhita
  7. Charaka – Author of Charaka Samhita, father of Ayurveda
  8. Nagarjuna – Buddhist philosopher and alchemist

Philosophers & Commentators

  1. Adi Shankaracharya – Founder of Advaita Vedanta, wrote commentaries on Vedas
  2. Vachaspati Mishra – Commentator on various Hindu scriptures
  3. Harsha – Sanskrit poet and philosopher
  4. Appayya Dikshita – Shaivite scholar
  5. Dnyaneshwar – Marathi saint, author of Dnyaneshwari
  6. Eknath – Marathi saint, author of Eknathi Bhagwat
  7. Namdev – Bhakti saint and poet
  8. Tiruvalluvar – Author of Tirukkural
  9. Bhartrihari – Sanskrit philosopher, poet
  10. Jayadeva – Author of Gita Govinda
  11. Vidyaranya – Advaita scholar and statesman
  12. Abhinavagupta – Kashmiri Shaivite philosopher
  13. Utpaladeva – Kashmiri Shaivite thinker

Courtesy: Hyper Quest

Other Great Contributors

  1. Raghunatha Siromani – Logician in Navya Nyaya
  2. Udayana – Philosopher in Nyaya tradition
  3. Keshav Kashmiri – Scholar who debated with Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
  4. Kumarasambhava (Kalidasa) – Sanskrit poet
  5. Vidyapati – Maithili poet
  6. Raskhan – Muslim devotee of Krishna and poet
  7. Sant Tukaram – Marathi poet-saint
  8. Swami Ranganathananda – Vedantic scholar
  9. Jagadguru Kripalu Maharaj – Founder of Radha Madhav Dham
  10. Swami Krishnananda – Spiritual writer, disciple of Swami Sivananda
  11. Gopinath Kaviraj – Tantric scholar
  12. Sri Yukteswar Giri – Guru of Paramahansa Yogananda
  13. Paramahansa Yogananda – Author of Autobiography of a Yogi
  14. Pandurang Shastri Athavale – Founder of Swadhyaya movement
  15. Baba Ramdev – Yoga guru and author on Ayurveda
  16. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar – Founder of Art of Living
  17. Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev – Mystic and author
  18. Rajiv Malhotra – Modern Hindu intellectual
  19. Koenraad Elst – Indologist and writer on Hinduism

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