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Sanatan Dharma Researcher

Top 100 name of Sanatan Dharma Researcher

Here are some of the top Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism) researchers, scholars, and spiritual thinkers, both historical and contemporary:

Courtesy: Hindu Janajagruti Samiti

Ancient & Classical Scholars:

  1. Vyasa – Author of the Mahabharata and compiler of the Vedas
  2. Valmiki – Author of the Ramayana
  3. Patanjali – Compiler of the Yoga Sutras
  4. Adi Shankaracharya – Philosopher and proponent of Advaita Vedanta
  5. Ramanujacharya – Proponent of Vishishtadvaita Vedanta
  6. Madhvacharya – Founder of Dvaita Vedanta
  7. Swami Vidyaranya – Philosopher and Advaita Vedanta scholar
  8. Bhaskaracharya – Mathematician and astronomer
  9. Aryabhata – Ancient Indian mathematician and astronomer
  10. Varahamihira – Ancient Indian astronomer and astrologer

Medieval Saints & Scholars:

  1. Tulsidas – Poet and author of Ramcharitmanas
  2. Surdas – Poet and devotee of Lord Krishna
  3. Kabir Das – Mystic poet and saint
  4. Mirabai – Saint and Krishna devotee
  5. Goswami Nimbarkacharya – Founder of Nimbarka Sampradaya
  6. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu – Bhakti movement saint
  7. Basavanna – Founder of Lingayat tradition
  8. Dnyaneshwar – Marathi saint and philosopher
  9. Eknath – Bhakti saint from Maharashtra
  10. Samarth Ramdas – Guru of Shivaji Maharaj

Modern Sanatan Dharma Scholars & Researchers:

  1. Swami Vivekananda – Spiritual leader and Vedanta scholar
  2. Sri Aurobindo – Philosopher, yogi, and poet
  3. Rabindranath Tagore – Poet and spiritual thinker
  4. Annie Besant – Theosophist and Hinduism researcher
  5. Mahatma Gandhi – Hindu spiritual and political leader
  6. Dr. S. Radhakrishnan – Philosopher and former President of India
  7. Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya – Hindu educationist
  8. Swami Sivananda – Founder of Divine Life Society
  9. Paramahansa Yogananda – Author of Autobiography of a Yogi
  10. Swami Chinmayananda – Founder of Chinmaya Mission
  11. Swami Dayananda Saraswati – Founder of Arya Samaj
  12. Ram Swarup – Hindu revivalist and philosopher
  13. Sita Ram Goel – Historian and writer on Hindu philosophy
  14. Koenraad Elst – Indologist and researcher on Hinduism
  15. David Frawley (Vamadeva Shastri) – American Hindu scholar
  16. Dr. K.S. Lal – Historian specializing in Indian history
  17. B.B. Lal – Archaeologist and Vedic researcher
  18. Subhash Kak – Scientist and researcher of Vedic studies
  19. Dr. N.S. Rajaram – Researcher on Vedic civilization
  20. Arvind Sharma – Hindu studies scholar

Courtesy: inspiring science

Spiritual Gurus & Thinkers:

  1. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar – Founder of Art of Living
  2. Sadhguru (Jaggi Vasudev) – Mystic and Isha Foundation founder
  3. Ramdev Baba – Yoga and Ayurveda proponent
  4. Shri Shri Chandrasekharendra Saraswati – Kanchi Shankaracharya
  5. Swami Karpatri Maharaj – Hindu traditionalist and scholar
  6. Swami Avdheshanand Giri – Hindu spiritual leader
  7. Swami Tejomayananda – Head of Chinmaya Mission
  8. Acharya Balkrishna – Ayurveda and Hindu philosophy researcher
  9. Nithyananda Paramashivam – Controversial spiritual leader
  10. Swami Prabhupada (A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami) – Founder of ISKCON

Hindu Historians & Writers:

  1. R.C. Majumdar – Historian of ancient India
  2. Dinesh Agrawal – Vedic science researcher
  3. Rajiv Malhotra – Hindu intellectual and writer
  4. Michel Danino – Indologist and researcher
  5. Konraad Elst – Belgian Indologist and Vedic scholar
  6. Meenakshi Jain – Historian and scholar
  7. Dr. T.V. Kapali Sastry – Vedic and Upanishadic researcher
  8. Sanjeev Sanyal – Indian historian and economist
  9. P.N. Oak – Controversial historian on Vedic influence
  10. Dr. Devdutt Pattanaik – Author on Hindu mythology

Hindu Nationalist & Cultural Thinkers:

  1. V.D. Savarkar – Hindu nationalist and philosopher
  2. Deendayal Upadhyaya – Integral humanism theorist
  3. K.M. Munshi – Historian and politician
  4. Bal Gangadhar Tilak – Philosopher and nationalist
  5. Laxman Shastri Joshi – Sanskrit scholar

Contemporary Sanatan Dharma Scholars:

  1. Dr. Chandra Bhanu Satpathy – Spiritual leader
  2. Neeraj Atri – Researcher on Hindu history
  3. Dr. Rangan Ramakrishnan – Vedic studies researcher
  4. Shri Nilesh Nilkanth Oak – Historian on Vedic chronology
  5. Dr. K.K. Muhammed – Archaeologist on Hindu temples
  6. Shatavadhani Ganesh – Sanskrit scholar
  7. Dr. B.M. Hegde – Ayurveda and Hindu science researcher
  8. Rajeev Srinivasan – Hindu cultural analyst
  9. Bharat Gupt – Vedic arts and philosophy scholar
  10. Arun Shourie – Hindu historian and journalist
  11. Dr. Madhu Kishwar – Hindu feminist and thinker
  12. Prof. Shrikant Talageri – Vedic migration theory researcher
  13. Dr. Vishwa Adluri – Mahabharata and Hindu philosophy researcher
  14. Prof. Subramanian Swamy – Hindu economics and politics expert
  15. Dr. Shashibhushan Dasgupta – Tantra and Hinduism scholar

International Scholars on Sanatan Dharma:

  1. Stephen Knapp – American Indologist
  2. Edwin Bryant – Hinduism professor at Rutgers
  3. Nick Sutton – Oxford professor of Hindu studies
  4. Dr. Georg Feuerstein – Yoga and Hindu philosophy scholar
  5. Alain Daniélou – French Indologist
  6. John Stratton Hawley – Bhakti movement researcher
  7. Antonio de Nicolas – Vedic studies researcher
  8. Dr. Nicholas Kazanas – Sanskrit scholar
  9. Klaus Klostermaier – Indologist
  10. Mark Dyczkowski – Kashmiri Shaivism expert

Courtesy: Your Historian🇮🇳

Modern Hindu Saints & Gurus:

  1. Swami Bharati Krishna Tirtha – Vedic Mathematics scholar
  2. Swami Rama – Himalayan tradition teacher
  3. Swami Satyananda Saraswati – Bihar School of Yoga founder
  4. Swami Rama Tirtha – Vedanta teacher
  5. Swami Krishnananda – Vedanta and Yoga scholar
  6. Swami Venkatesananda – Ramayana and Yoga scholar
  7. Mata Amritanandamayi (Amma) – Spiritual leader
  8. Swami Mukundananda – ISKCON-affiliated guru
  9. Acharya Prashant – Advaita Vedanta teacher
  10. Sadguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami – Founder of Hinduism Today

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